Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Put A "Grab My Button" Link On Your Post

It took me several different tries before I figured out an easy and simple way to place my "Button" to share with others.  I even tired reading others post and for some reason they just were not working for me.  I hope this helps someone.  Please comment if it does.  I would love to hear back from you! 

This is what worked for me for blogger.  Not sure how it will break down for other sites. 

  1. Click on Design and the click on Add a Gadget.
  2. Choose HTMO/Java Script
  3. This is the link I used for my button.

  4.     You will need to change what is highlighted in red to your blogs name (homepage) 
  5.     Then change what is in blue to what you have saved you picture (your button)as.  I recommend photobucket.  It is simple and very easy to use.  You need to use the HTML code that looks similar to mine. 
Replace those two items making sure not to make any extra spaces.  Just remember the codes you are replacing go between quatation marks (" "). 
  6.  When making your actual photo button you will need to take out the () you find at the very beginning and the very end.  I have put them in bold type to see them better. 

Now if you want text under you picture for others to "grab".  (that is how I have mine)

After your code is made simply place that code between the code below.  Place it between the greater than and less than sign.  Very simple.    

Pin It!

1 comment:

  1. I apologize, I am having a hard time posting the link I used. As I post the code, it turns into the picture or the text box. I really am trying to figure out this problem.


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