Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Morning To You Too Mother Nature

This is what a lot of St. Louis woke up to this morning.  White, bright and beautiful snow! 

Look right out my front door at 9am with over 1 inch and still snowing. 

My backyard looking onto the street. 

The temperature is 34 and staying above freezing, but the snow is coming down so fast that it is accumulating. 

My fellow St. Louis friends, did you plan on seeing this much snow?  I know I didn't.  I understand that snow is possible in March, but I certainly thought we were done for this season.  Check out the local forecast for this week. 

St. Louis Weather  Thanks to Fox 2 News it looks like in a matter of 2 -3 days we could be climbing 25 - 30 degrees.  At least St. Patty's Day looks nice.  Man, I love the crazy St. Louis weather!! 

How is your weather this week? 

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1 comment:

  1. Wet and rainy! Looks like Old weathr man winter doesnt want to leave so easily.
    Your snow is pretty.
    But Im glad Im here though im not found of the rain. Im looking forward to sunshine and warmer weather.
    How are you feeling today?


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