Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Do You Do For Your Snow Days?

The first thing Grace wanted to do when she woke up was take some pictures of the snow. These were taken by her on her camera. She loves taking pictures. This one is part of our garage looking out our front door. She was into getting the top of the houses.

Here is looking out our front door. Beautiful snowy day.

Today was the perfect day to make cookies. Grace was home due to the snow and I wanted some fun things for us to do. During all the Christmas clearance I picked up some fun cookie cutters for just $0.42 for a 6 pack. I like them because they are plastic and are easy for kids to use.

Grace had a lot of fun! By the end I put her to work. She would roll out the dough, spread it out and cut the cookies.

I didn't have any frosting or sprinkles, but we think they turned out great! What is better than fresh sugar cookies in the shape of a snowman on a snowy day?

I think it is an excellent idea to cook with your children. It is a fun and easy activity you can do together. They are having fun and learning at the same time. Reading the recipes and a great learning tool. It can help with reading, math and understand measurement. I include Grace as much a possible. I also think it is best when you do it together and not just show your child or children.
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